Recensement General des Habitations et Habitans de la Colonie de La Louisianne Ainsy Quils Se Sont Nommes au Premier Janvier 1726

(general information on the area to put it in the context of history)

The census of the Illinois country was part of the larger general census of the province of Louisiana. It is the first extant census that contains the names of the heads of household and mentions whether the individuals were married and had children. The census was conducted as of 1 January 1726. For a transcription of the census, including the names of the heads of household see "The 1726 Census of Illinois 2nd line" by Robert de Berardinis in the Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 34, Number 2.

The following map shows the locations of the settlements included in the census.

Illinois Country in 1726


Recapitulation des habitants ou domestiques au present Recensement

Engages et domestiques
[Hired and domestic servants]
Esclaves Negres
[Negro Slaves]
Esclaves Sauvages
[Indian Slaves]
Betes a Cornes
[Horned Beasts (Cattle)]
Terraine des Foichez
[Land under Plow]


(click on the title of the following works to learn more about life in the area; for those items not available online, check with your local library for availability)

  • de Berardinis, Robert. "The 1726 Census of Illinois 2nd line." Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 34, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 155-164.