Estimate of Settlers North of the Ohio, 1793


[MHS: Pickering Papers :C]


Estimate by Mr Heckenwelder of the Settlers North of the Ohio.

350At the mouth of Muskingum &the mouth of Wolf Creek, about 350 souls—besides the garrison
80At Belle Pre (12 or 15 miles below) 70 or 80 souls
300At Gallipolis (about 3% miles below the mouth of the Great Kenhawa) about 300 souls, besides a garrison of 40 soldiers.
50At Baker's station, about 30 miles above Limestone, at least 50 souls.
1100At Columbia (the mouth of the Little Miami) 1100 souls.
900At Cincinnati (5 miles below Fort Washington) 900 souls—besides the army
30At South Bend, 7K miles lower, about 30 souls.
250At North Bend (Judge Symmes's place) 7K miles below the South Bend) about 250 souls
 At Fort Steuben (the Ohio Rapids) 60 soldiers.
40At Clarksville (3 miles below fort Steuben) about 40 souls.
50At Freeman's, Dunlap's, and another station, back of Columbia &Cincinnati, about 50 souls
70Settlers at several stations between Pittsburg &Muskingum, about 70 souls


[Endorsed] Mr Heckenwelder's Estimate of the numbers of Inhabitants on the north side of the Ohio. Total 3220—besides the troops.

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